The former Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer Mihran Poghosyan has submitted declaration on property and assets at the moment of termination the post.
Mihran Poghosyan was appointed to the office of the Chief Compulsory Informant Officer on 11 June 2008, His official declarations on assets and property are being submitted since 2014
At the beginning of 2014 (or at the end of 2013), his funds amounted to 22 million AMD, 280 thousand USD and 15 thousand Euros. At the end of the year he had 26 million AMD, 250 thousand USD and 12 thousand Euros.
His income totaled to 16.15 million AMD of which 4.15 million was remuneration for job, 2 million AMD from alienation of property (he sold his RANGE ROVER SPORT Supercharged 4.2), the rest was received from the payments for rent.
In 2015, his funds totaled to 22 million AMD, 200 thousand USD and 12 thousand Euros. The declaration does not explain the reason of decrease of the savings. He did not make any transactions during the year. Instead, revenues increased to 22.36 million AMD.

It is also interesting that, unlike the last year, this year his salary increase for almost three times becoming 12.36 million AMD. The rest of the income was received from the lease payment.

In 2014 and 2015, his spouse, Karine Mkhitaryan did not have income. At the beginning of 2014 her funds amounted to 16 million AMD, which at the end of the year became 15 thousand AMD.
In 2015, her funds decreased up to 2 million AMD, which is explained by the fact that during the year she purchased a RANGE ROVER SPORT – HSE car and paid 70 thousand USD.
On 23 April, Mihran Poghosyan was dismissed from office of the Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Ministry of Justice by the President’s decree. At that moment, M. Poghosyan declared:
• 1 individual houses built on the land plot, with its economic structures;
• 6 buildings of public use,
• 1 industrial building,
• 1 garage,
• 26 million AMD, 191 thousand USD, 12 thousand Euros.
Interestingly, Mihran Poghosyan did not mention anything about the Panamanian offshore companies registered in his name. Notably, today Mihran Poghosyan’s office issued a statement promising once again to reflect on offshore scandal.
Mihran Poghosyan Court Claims on refund of the money
In the fall of 2013, Mihran Poghosyan appealed to the Court of General Jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork Marash administrative districts demanding to levy from Gevorg Afandyan the 5.146.842 USD, which he lend the latter in 2011, as well as and penalty interest. The court case was resolved in an amicable settlement. On 19 March 2014, reconciliation was approved by a judicial act. Here it is interesting to notice that Mihran Poghosyan, did not make any mentioning about these loan assets in of his declaration for 2014 and thus effectively hide them.
In 2013, Mihran Poghosyan applied to the court with another lawsuit to receive compensation from the “Star Divine” Company. The amount of due money was 52 million 806 thousand AMD. In the preparation stage of the trial Mihran Poghosyan rejected the claim with a reasoning that the respondent had refunded the claimed money totally in cash. The case was dismissed on 10 September 2013, by judicial act of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork Marash administrative districts.
We learn from Mihran Poghosyan’s biography that he worked exclusively for public office since graduating from the university. His biography does not mention anything about running entrepreneurship businesses except the fact that he founded the “Catherine Group” Company in 1997. Being a public servant (it is well known that public servants do not receive high remuneration) it is unclear how Mihran Poghosyan managed to accumulate millions.
Astghik Karapetyan