The Number of disclosed Corruption Crimes grows from Year to Year

Corruption crimes are defined in 31 articles of the Criminal Code. Among them is fraudulent abuse of official position, embezzlement crime, bribery, unfair judicial act, and so on.

According to the statistic data represented by the Prosecutor’s Office, the number of disclosed corruption crimes in Armenia grows from year to year.

Specifically, in 2012 the number of initiated criminal cases on such crimes was 310, of which 149 were sent to the court; in 2013 the number of such criminal cases was 528, of which 113 were sent to the court. And in 23014 the number of initiated criminal cases was 515 of which 118 were sent to the court.

Notably, in the first quarter of 2015 the number of initiated criminal cases for corrupt occurrences were 312, of which62 have already been sent to the court.