The Rural Community restored its Property Right over the Livestock Complex

In November 2011, S.K. Head of Lusadzor rural community applied to the AAC and informed that R.A. member of the same community had applied to the Court of General Jurisdiction of Tavush Marz of the RA claiming to recognize his property right over the livestock complex located in Lusadzor community. The Court of General Jurisdiction of Tavush Marz of the RA upheld the claim by the decision of 08.11.20011, and recognized R.A.’s property right over the livestock complex located in Lusadzor community.

In this case R.A. had referred to the as a to the 1992 protocol of Privatization and Improvements Commission of Lusadzor Community and the Court of the First Instance referred to this decision according to which the disputable real estate was privatized to R.A. under the condition where in compliance to the RA Law on Rural and Rural Collective Farms the livestock complex, Which was a fixed asset of Lusadzor community could be privatized to RA only on the decision of Liquidation Committee and not by the decision of the Privatization and Improvements Commission of Lusadzor Community, which was not authorized to take such decision.

In addition the privatization decision Privatization and Improvements Commission on privatizing the fixed asset of Lusadzor Community is not and evidence referring to this case.

On 05.11.2011, the advocate involved in the case by the AAC filed an appeal claim against this decision to the Civil Administrative Court of the RA. The Court admitted the case into proceeding and started investigation.

The Civil Administrative Court of the RA met the appellate claim by its decision of 09.02.2012, and decided to annul and amend the 08.11.2011 decision of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Tavush Marz of the RA.

The success story is borrowed from

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