Talaat Pasha’s Official Directive about the Slaughters of Armenians

A series of documents that prove the Armenian Genocide, are published on the website of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. We present the official directives of Talaat Pasha about the slaughters of Armenians within the period of March, 1915 till January 1916.

March 25, 2015
To Djemal Bey, envoy in Adana

It is everybody’s duty to affect the implementation of the majestic project of destroying the existence of the famous elements by all the possible means. They have been an obstacle on the way of the development of the empire for centuries.

Thus, we have to take all the responsibility on ourselves, swearing to accomplish it no matter what happens. We have to remember how big is the sacrifice of the government which is involved in the World War. We have to act in a way that will help the used methods to bring to the desired result.

During our report of February 18 we announced that Djemiet had decided to destroy various forces that had been an obstacle for centuries. For this reason we have to use bloody methods. Of course, the use of such methods terrifies us, but Djemiet does not have another choice in order to argue the stability of his tactics.

The envoy of the commission in Aleppo Ali Raza criticized us violently and asked us to be kinder: such kind of simplicity is no other thing than nonsense. We will find a way for all those people who will not collaborate with us, a place where the fine wires of their hearts will be depressed.

Let me remind you once again about the property question. It is very important. Accept its division attentively, always examine the counts and the benefit gained from the profits.

Djemiet, September 3, 1915, to the government in Aleppo

I inform you that we have to include women and children in the order that was only about men before. Choose trustful soldiers for those obligations.

Talaat, Minister of Internal Affairs
September 16, to the government in Aleppo

You were informed that the government by the order of Djemiet had decided to exterminate all the aforementioned people who live in Turkey – Armenians.

All those who will oppose this decision and order, cannot stay in the official structure of the empire. Their existence should come to an end, no matter how tragic the methods are. Do not take into account the age, the gender, or the hesitation of the conscience.

Talaat, Minister of Internal Affairs
November 18, 1915, to the government in Aleppo

It becomes clear from the recent interference of the ambassador of the USA in Konstantinoupolis Mr. Morgentown on behalf of his government that the American consuls possess information by secret means. They stay difficult to persuade in spite of our assurance that the displacements will be safely done.

Be attentive in order not to let the remarkable events take place near cities or other centers. The most important thing from the point of view of our present politics is to convince the foreigners living in those places that the deportation of the Armenians is just a cruel displacement.

Thus, it is important to have a subtle approach simultaneously, and to hold the simple events in appropriate places.

All those people who gave the wrong information, would be arrested and handed to the military powers, and the military court would judge them. This order is an urgent one.

December 11, 1915, to the government in Aleppo

We have been informed that some reporters of Armenian newspapers have obtained letters and photos, which depict the tragic events, and they gave them to the American consulate in Aleppo. Such kind of dangerous people should be arrested and depressed.

Talaat, Minister of Internal Affairs

January 15, 1915, to the government in Aleppo

We have been informed that some newly opened orphanages also accept Armenian children.

If it was done by not knowing our real intentions or as a result of neglecting, the government would have considered the feeding of such children or any attempt of lengthening their lives as an opposite act towards our aims. This is because the question of saving those children is considered a harmful phenomenon.

I advise orphanages not to accept such children, and no attempts should be made in order to found orphanages specially for them.

Talaat, Minister of Internal Affairs

From the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the government in Aleppo

Only those orphans, who are not able to remember the horrors through which their parents have undergone, should be accepted and taken care of. Send the others with caravans.

Talaat, Minister of Internal Affairs

The source by Protocols about the Great War, Tome 3, editor – Charles F. Horn, “Children of the nation”


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