Deliberate confusion of Advertisement Consumers by the Advertiser will be decriminalized

In today’s session of the Government, Hovhannes Manukyan, the Minister of Justice of the RA introduced the draft conclusion of the Government on the Draft Laws of “Changes to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia” and “Changes in the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Armenia”.

The draft specifically offers to decriminalize:

1. Deliberate confusion of advertisement consumers by the advertiser, advertising producer or advertisement carrier (Article one of the Draft, Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the RA)

2. Evasion from taxes, duties or other mandatory payments, in large amount (Article two of the Draft, Part 1 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the RA)

The sanction of the proposed by the amendment exceeds the maximum limit for the punishment “fine”. In addition application of the fine in three times the amount of the unpaid sum is disproportionate to the danger of the act.
The government approved the package. The package in Armenian language is available here.

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