Summer Internship for Students

“LEGAL ALLIANCE” Law Firm LLC and “Integrity Action” International Non-Governmental Organization UK (Integrity Education Network), provides an exceptional opportunity for the students of the law, management, economic and adjacent faculties of the universities of Yerevan to participate in a free internship program.

The Armenian Young Lawyers Association NGO and the Law Foundation of Armenia support in organization of the internship.

During the internship in August 2014, a group of 16 students will have an opportunity to participate in the current operation of “LEGAL ALLIANCE” Law Firm and attend thematic-theoretical training and visit different governmental bodies, non-governmental, international and business organizations. The internship will include theoretical lectures as well as lectures on integrity. It foresees practical training as well emphasizing the aspects of professional competence, ethics, reporting and anti-corruption behavior in the above mentioned bodies and entities.

The educational-practical training for each student is organized during 32 (thirty-two) hours, of which 8 (eight) hours for theoretical training and 24 (twenty-four) hours for practical training.

The students successfully accomplished the internship shall receive certificates. The interested individuals shall send their CVs and letter of interest, 300 words (describing your experience, why do you want of participate in Summer Internship, what are your expectations) to the e-mail, [email protected] by 17:00pm, on 20 July 2014.

Only the students that shall successfully pass the selection process will be invited to participate in the internship.

Combine your Summer Holidays with the opportunity to acquire Practical Skills!


“Integrity Action” International Non-Governmental Organization UK ((Integrity Education Network)

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