Problems in CSOs’ Sector are Multifaceted and Numerous

Problems in CSOs sector are multifaceted and numerous stated the representatives of Gavar Civil Society Organizations at the regular meeting in the Focus Group in the scope of the “Commitment to Contractive Dialogue” project which took place in Gavar City on 23 March.

Mr. Artak Saribekyan, Executive Director of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association introduced the EU Funded project which will last for 34 months and is implemented by a consortium of 6 organizations, which is led by the ALA. The project is aimed at Development of CSO’s capacity and grants for this purpose would be provided to the CSOs as well in the scope of the project.

Miss Syuzanna Soghomonyan, Coordinator of CSO-Government Dialogue of the project, said that the project would have 9 target areas, three of which had already been approved; the other 6 areas are still being explored.

Training aimed at the development of the CSOs’ capacity will be conducted based on the methodology developed by a specialized university. The training would be organized in the marzes and in Yerevan City and around 100 CSOs shall participate. The training will be organized in an intensive manner during five 5 days with the duration of 8 hours.

The project provides existence of incubators as well, and Expert Mr. Marat Atovmyan would coordinate their activities. He said that interactive training for the participants in the marzes would be organized through internet where the local experts as well as the experts for the Czech Republic would represent their experience. The CSO representatives would have opportunity to meet with the government officials and discuss the raised issues. Those who need office space and computer access, will be provided such opportunity as well.

Details in the video.

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