“The inspection conducted in Armavir branch of the alternative punishments execution department of the Criminal-Executive Department of the RA Ministry of Justice, revealed that the data in the schedule of attendance of two sentenced persons, who currently served the term of probation, attached to their personal cases do not correspond to the data obtained as a result of inspection, based on the fact that during that period they were abroad”- informs the Special Investigation Service.
In addition, the prosecutor informs that in case of a 30 day absence from the RA of one of the sentenced persons, the authority supervising his conduct has not filed a petition to the court for execution of the punishment imposed on him by the verdict.
A criminal case was launched under the requirements of Article 308, Part 1 and Article 314 of the RA Criminal Code based on the materials prepared in the State Investigation Service of the Republic of Armenia on the fact of abuse of authority and formal forgery by the persons rendering special services in Armavir branch of the alternative punishments execution department of Criminal-Executive Department of the RA Ministry of Justice,
A preliminary investigation is underway.
Note: The suspect or the accused of the alleged offence is deemed innocent unless his or her innocence is proved by virtue of the effective court verdict in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.