The former Deputy Minister of Justice Artyom Geghamyan was assigned to that post on 25 July 2014. According to the annual property and income declaration published by the Commission on Ethics of the High-Ranking Officials, at the moment of coming to office A. Geghamyan had declared 86.746 USD, securities valued to 6.500 USD, an apartment in the apartment building for the physical persons, a land plot and vehicles MITSUBISHI LANCER 1.3, GAZ 3110, LEXUS RX 350.
His wife, Mrs. Olympia Geghamyan, is declared as an affiliated person. However, according to the information published by the Commission on Ethics of the High-Ranking Officials she has not submitted a declaration.
Reminder: On 29 September 2014, A. Geghamyan was relieved from the position according to personal request and has not yet submitted a declaration about his demission to the Commission on Ethics of the High-Ranking Officials.