Today I officially put into circulation the “Draft Law on making changes and amendments in the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Armenia.”
The main goal of the draft is to significantly reduce the size of the fine for a number of violations of the road traffic rules. I am speaking about the violations which are most “popular” for the “Security Dream” Company.
Specifically it is proposed to establish a fine in the amount of 3000AMD instead of the currently applied 10000AMD for exceeding the speed limit up to 10 km. per hour. It is suggested to consider the violation of the speed limit by 11-20 km/per hour as a separate breach and establish the fine in the amount of 6000AMD.
In the current law exceeding of the speed limit in the range of 11-30 km/per hour is considered in one package and the fine for this is 30000AMD. Notably, no changes in the amount of the fine for violation of speed limits by 21 and more kilometers per hour are proposed.
Also there is a suggestion to to alleviate the penalties in case of violations, which conditionally may be described as “relatively less dangerous․”
It is recommended to eliminate the practice of raising the size of penalty for tree times or five times, and to replace the triple size by one and a half and the five times by doubling.
I tried to elaborate a balanced draft, which will curb the appetite of “Security Dream” and will not cause the traffic anarchy.
Tomorrow the Draft with its reasoning attachments will be published in the website of the national Assembly. I shall be pleased to consider all suggestions and recommendations. Please send them to [email protected] e-mail address. Thanks in advance.
The April 7 post from MP Nikol Pashinyan’s Facebook page.