The Court rejected the Petition of Gagik Tsarukyan’s Representative

The decision regarding the motion submitted by the respondent in the case of confiscation of property of alleged illicit origin regarding the leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party, former deputy of the National Assembly, businessman Gagik Tsarukyan and his related persons has been published. Judge Lili Drmeyan presided over the session.

According to the lawsuit, the General Prosecutor’s Office’s Department for Confiscation of Illegally Sourced Property presented a demand to the court to confiscate the assets from the defendants in favor of the Republic of Armenia.

According to the lawsuit, the General Prosecutor’s Office’s Department for Confiscation of Illegally Sourced Property presented a demand to the court to confiscate the assets from the defendants in favor of the Republic of Armenia.

  • 79 real estates. 
  • 42 vehicles.
  • Acquisition cost of 8 unidentified vehicles: 348 million 194 thousand drams.
  • The amount of the ceded claim right is about 33 million drams.
  • Market value of 10 real estates, which legally belong to Gagik Tsarukyan. 
  • 39 shares and bonds in legal entities.
  • Right to demand loans of 63 billion drams.
  • The amount of loans provided to 12 individuals and legal entities (who could not be identified) is about 16.8 billion drams.
  • Demand for confiscation of 86 billion 400 million drams, which is the sum of income from the use of property of illegal origin and payments, transfers and other outputs not justified by legal income.

According to during the session of May 29, Gagik Tsarukyan’s representative Varazdat Asatryan petitioned to hold the court session behind closed doors.

According to 3 June Court decision, the motion to conduct the investigation of the case behind closed doors was rejected.

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