The Damages are huge: Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure about the consequences of the disaster

The Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanosyan mentioned in a conversation with “Lurer” that there are bridges damaged or completely destroyed as a result of the disaster. There are also standing bridges, and experts have been invited for consultations with the head of the Urban Development Committee who will try to observe the bridges that are standing; whether they are in danger in the near future or not, to find out whether they are passable or not;

“We looked at some bridges, the most important bridges, which are on the road; connecting 2 large parts of Alaverdi seem to be normal. Certain parts were damaged by the trees, the rest are normal, we continue to carry out work in different parts with different specialists, and in this part by filling some stones to try to make sure that at least the other half of the road is preserved.
Such works are also taking place in Tavush, especially on Dilijan-Ijevan roads. We have quite a large section before reaching

Bagratashen, where part of the river water flows on the road, which has created problems for traffic. Even in the morning, when we saw that such problems were created, SRC worked with other partners and changed the routes. Now there is a certain lowering of the water in that area, some of the trucks were able to pass, but it is still impassable for passengers. The section from Alaverdi to Noyemberyan and to Bagratashen is completely impassable, especially the Alaverdi-Ayrum section.”

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