During the 9 months of 2022, the tax revenues of the state budget amounted to 1 trillion 412 billion drams. Tax revenues were exceeded by more than 77 billion drams. Historical record of tax revenue collection has been recorded.
Rustam Badasyan, Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, presented the indicators of tax revenues for the nine months of the current year on the “Hartsazruyts” (Interview) program of the Public Television, the SRC reports.
In the same period, a record amount of 172 billion drams was returned to taxpayers, and in 9 months of 2022 according to the data, the number of jobs providing income (tax base) was around 663 thousand, exceeding the previous year’s indicator by 36.8 thousand or 6 percent, and in 2020 the figure is around 60 thousand.
The tax/GDP ratio in 2021 was 22.7 percent.
It is planned to have 11 percent economic growth and 8 percent inflation in the current year, and the tax/GDP indicator will improve by 0.5 percentage points and will amount to 23.2 percent. “This means that tax revenues are growing faster than GDP, which, other things being equal, is attributed to improved tax administration and tax discipline. Tax administration is carried out year by year in a more targeted manner, based on analytical tools,” Rustam Badasyan, Chairman of SRC said.
The Chairman of SRC said also referred to the recent reforms in the customs system. As a result of the review of customs operations, a number of informal document processes were removed. The pre-declaration system has been introduced. 24/7 regime border clearance of imported goods is carried out on average in 15 minutes to 3 hours after arrival. In Yerevan, from 1 November, the selected participants who have successfully completed the customs officer training course will go to work in the customs service system starting a new stage of reform. 160 participants have passed the examination stage.