We intend to participate in the elections with all our strength: Citizens’ Decision

The executive body of the “Citizen’s Decision” Social-Democratic Party has issued a statement, which says ․

On 26 February, we announced that the subjects involved in the internal political crisis should sit at the negotiating table to resolve the situation. Otherwise, we undertook to unite the citizens according to that agenda, to isolate those actors from the political life through pressure.

It is necessary to state that the parties have sat at the negotiating table; an agreement on holding elections on 20 June was reached. This is an attempt to solve the crisis, which, however, will not lead to a deep overcoming of the crisis; it is fraught with new dangers.

These dangers become more acute, taking into account that no constitutional changes have been made, the norm of a stable majority remains in force, the oligarchy has not been removed from political life contrary to the popular demand of 2018, the parties have not been rehabilitated, and this is the second time that the ruling party has announced that it will hold elections without changing the Electoral Code. The adoption of a new Electoral Code may be the minimum that can still be done to have relatively fair political elections. Therefore, the organizer of the elections has all the opportunities and is obliged to adopt the new Electoral Code.

At the same time, the “Citizen’s Decision” Party is not going to withdraw before the bad conditions, waiting in isolation for the establishment of fair rules. We are ready to participate in the elections with all our strength, as long as the issue of governance in Armenia is decided by the will of the citizen.”


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