Today at 15:00, Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Qanaker-Zeytun Communities will consider the case of Dino Gold Mining Company against the environmental activist Yeghia Nersisyan.”
On 25 January 2012, “Dino Gold Mining Company” CJSC applied to the court with a civil claim charging him in blackmailing the company. The Company requests to refute the information which slander its honor and reputation.
Yeghia Nersisyan, at a meeting with the US Armenian Community spoke about Dino Gold Mining Company of Kapan, and told that the company had used tasers against the miners.
Today at 14:30 the environmental activists organized a action in front of the court building. They aimed to show that Yeghia had told the truth, but as there is an atmosphere of threat in the Republic of Armenia, the villagers cannot speak loudly about it.