The Process of Credit Programs in the Spheres of Tourism and Waste Management was discussed

During the consultations with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the process of credit programs in the spheres of tourism and waste management was discussed.

Information and Public Relations Department of the Prime Minister’s Office reports.

It has been reported that the Tourism Development and Infrastructure Program, with a loan of $ 55 million, has spent $ 6 million since 2016. It is envisaged that in 2020, the equivalent of 4 billion drams will be invested within the framework of the program. According to the program, tourism infrastructure is being improved in Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Aragatsotn, Shirak, Kotayk, Gegharkunik and Armavir marzes; in particular, tourism areas, road repairs, restoration of the historical tourist environment.

Further, reference was made to the possibilities of implementing infrastructure projects in Gyumri and Jermuk, the design works of which are already prepared. They are planned to be implemented, including in the framework of public-private partnership. The “Community Infrastructure Development” loan program process was introduced as well.

During the next consultation, the officials reported to the Prime Minister about the work carried out within the framework of the Solid Waste Management Credit Program. It was noted that within its framework, it is planned to build a new landfill in Yerevan near the Nubarashen landfill and to conserve 2 non-functioning landfills of the capital. The process of organizing tenders for the construction of a new landfill is currently underway. The works carried out within the framework of the same program for the construction of landfills in Kotayk and Gegharkunik marzes were also discussed.

Summing up the consultations, the Prime Minister noted that so far in Armenia there has been a chronic practice of under-execution of capital expenditures. “This is especially unacceptable this year. We need to accurately predict the expenditure sector so that the funds that will not be able to be spent will be used to implement other programs,” the Prime Minister said, emphasizing the implementation of programs, especially in solving social problems. “We must minimize underperformance of the program. There are not only important economic but also social components here,” he said.

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