Investigator suspected on corruption crime is arrested

On January 15, 2012 investigator of investigating department of Syunik police office, Arman Yengoyan was arrested in the RA Investigation Department of the Police Department of investigation of grave crimes with suspect of tampering with the evidence of the murder case of Grigor Papyan (on 07.09.2012 the investigator was dismissed with the order of the Chief of the RA Police)


As a reminder, on August 28, 2010 at 20:00 in the café near the cultural house of Kajaran Grigor Papyan argued with Gevorg Tosunyan and Sahak Sahakyan and committed excesses. On the same day at 22:30 Grigor Papyan was killed. With the cases proceeded in the Court of First Instance of Syunik region, prejudicial inquiry of the RA Investigation Department of the Police Department of Investigation of grave crimes, found that some officials who implemented investigation and inquiry abused their formal powers and tampered with evidences of a grave crime.


The investigation found sufficient evidences that former deputy chief of the Kapan department of the RA Police of Syunik region, Gagik Danielyan tampered evidences by involving N.H. as a witness. The latter bore false testimony. On December 5, 2012 Gagik Danielyan was arrested with murder suspect according to the article 349, part 3, point 1 of the RA Criminal Code.



According to the Police, the investigation is in process.



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