The state registration of a legal person

The founders of a legal person shall conclude a contract in which they determine the procedure for joint activity for the creation of the legal person, the conditions of transfer to it of their property and the conditions of their participation in its activity.


The charter of the legal person being created shall be drafted on the basis of the contract by the founders.


A legal person is subject to state registration by the procedure established by statute. The data of state registration, including the firm name of commercial organizations, shall be included in a state register of legal persons open for public access.


Refusal of registration on bases of the inexpediency of creating the legal person is not allowed.


A refusal of state registration and also avoidance of such registration may be protested to a court.


A legal person shall be considered created from the time of its state registration.


A legal person shall be subject to re-registration only in cases established by statute.


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