Yervand Khundkaryan has been a Judge of the Economic Court of the Republic of Armenia in the period of 2001 to 2008.
From 1 January, 2008 he was a judge of the Civil Court of Appeal.
On 8 October, 2008, he was appointed judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation by a presidential decree.
On 17 September, 2010 he was appointed Chairman of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia.
On 20 July, 2018 he was appointed Chairman of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation, and on 13 September, 2018 he was elected Chairman of the Court of Cassation for a six-year term. presents his property and income.
In 2011, being a Judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation, at the beginning of the tax year Yervand Khundkaryan declared $ 6,000 and AMD 7 million. At the beginning of the tax year, the funds kept in AMD increased to AMD 9 million. He also had declared 9 million 204 thousand AMD of income, which was received from wages.
In 2012, the judge declared $ 6,000 and 12 million AMD as well as 9 million 455 thousand AMD of income, which was received from wages.
In 2013, Yervand Khundkaryan’s funds kept in AMD increased to 16 million, and the funds kept in USD remain the same. The salary was mentioned as the only source of income and totaled to 9 million 785 thousand AMD.
In 2014, the official bought a LEXUS GX 470. According to the declaration, it cost AMD 10 million. In the same year, another car was alienated with 3.3 million AMD (GAZ 3110).
The judge’s funds remained unchanged.
Yervand Khundkaryan’s income increased by 22 million 911 thousand AMD. They were obtained from four sources.
- Salary – 10 million 401 thousand AMD,
- Salary – 60 thousand 480 AMD,
- Loans received – 9 million 150 thousand AMD,
- Property alienation – 3.3 million AMD.
In 2015 the judge’s money increased and made 17 million AMD. The official declared 11 million 708 thousand AMD, which was received from two salaries.
In 2016, the funds increased by another 2 million. 2 wage earnings totaled 11 million 816 thousand AMD.
In 2017 Yervand Khundkaryan’s funds increased by another 5 million AMD and totaled to 22 million AMD.
He declared 5 sources of income in 2017, of which he received 12 million 357 AMD.
- Salary – 11 million 687 thousand AMD,
- Salary -109 thousand 102 AMD,
- Salary -46 thousand 956 AMD,
- Other revenues -513 thousand AMD,
- Other revenues -297 euros.
In 2018, already holding the position of Chairman of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation, and 2 months later the position of the Chairman of the Court of Cassation, Yervand Khundkaryan declared $ 6,000 and 22 million AMD.
He declared 5 sources of income, from which 12 million 72 thousand AMD were received.
- Salary – 11 million 957 thousand AMD,
- Salary -77 thousand 695 thousand AMD,
- Salary -37 thousand 500 AMD,
- Other revenues -1226 euros,
- Other revenues – € 300.
Yervand Khundkaryan’s wife, Ruzanna Gevorgyan’s annual declarations for 2011-2018 indicated only 4 million AMD.
There are no data in the annual declarations of Henrik and David Kundkaryan, who live jointly with Yervand Khundkaryan.
Below is the biography of the chairman of the Court of Cassation of the RA, Honorary lawyer of the RA Yervand Khundkaryan:
He was born in 1972 in Yerevan.
In 1994 – graduated from YSU Faculty of Law, evening department.
From 1993 to 1994 – Supreme Court of the Republic of Armenia as the secretary of the court session of criminal cases.
From 1994 to 1996 – served as a Senior Adviser of the Department of Legislative Coordination and Judicial Practice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Armenia and later as Senior Advisor to the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Armenia.
From 1996 to 1998 – served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.
From 1998 to 1999 – Senior Advisor at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Armenia.
From 1999 to 2001 – Judge’s Assistant at the Criminal and Military Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia.
From 2001 to 2008 – Judge of the Economic Court of the Republic of Armenia.
From 1 January, 2008 – Judge of the Civil Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia.
On 8 October, 2008 – by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia he was appointed judge of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia.
On 17 September, 2010 – by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia he was appointed Chairman of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia.
From 28 October, 2010 to 1 August, 2014 – Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Council of Courts’ Chairmen of the Republic of Armenia.
From 2010 to 2013 – Chairman of the Governing Council of the Judicial School of the Republic of Armenia.
On 20 September, 2013 – was elected a member of the Governing Council of the Academy of Justice.
On 25 July, 2014, the General Assembly of the Judges of the Republic of Armenia elected him a member of the Educational Committee of the General Assembly of the Judges of the Republic of Armenia.
On 31 July, 2014 he was elected Chairman of the Educational Affairs Committee of the General Assembly of Judges of the Republic of Armenia.
In 2016 – Chairman of the Governing Council of the Academy of Justice.
On 22 December, 2017 – member of the Governing Council of the Academy of Justice.
On 26 January, 2018 – Chairman of the Governing Council of the Academy of Justice.
On 20 July, 2018, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, he was appointed Chairman of the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia for a six-year term.
Based on Article 166 (5) of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 142 (6) of the Charter of the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia on 13 September, 2016 was elected by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the Chairman of the Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia for 6 years.
On 28 April, 2017, he was elected Chairman of the Union of Judges of the Republic of Armenia by the General Assembly of the Union of Judges of the Republic of Armenia.
On 18 September, 2014, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia, he was awarded the Mkhitar Gosh Medal for his contribution to the development of the judicial system.
On 29 December, 2017, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia, for merits in the strengthening of law and order was awarded the title of Honorary Lawyer of the Republic of Armenia.
Yevgenya Hambardzumyan