CSO representatives attached importance to the Civil Society – Government dialogue in as an important condition for the effectiveness of the fight against corruption.
To achieve that it was necessary to develop stable and effective Anti-Corruption Institutional Mechanisms as it was in case of Singapore, by the reformer Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.
CSO representatives attached importance to the Civil Society – Government dialogue in as an important condition for the effectiveness of the fight against corruption.
During the past week the NGOs from the Marzes of the RA discussed the anti-corruption struggle of the Government. Dozens of NGOs in all marzes joined to the statement to the Government.
On 12 March, 2015, Anti-Corruption Coalition of Shirak Marz CSOs met in an anti-corruption discussion. The discussion was aimed at expression of the position of Shirak Marz CSOs referring to the Formation of the Anti-Corruption Council pursuant the Decision # 165-N of 19 February 2015.