Anti-Corruption Coalition established in Armenia

The anti-corruption event was organized by the “Armenian Young Lawyers Association” NGO in the framework of the EU funded project “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” today, on 28 November.
The event consisted of two parts,, and the first part of the event was devoted to the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Coalition.
Representatives of international organizations, the state structures, as well as CSOs and Mass Media from Yerevan and the marzes participated in the event.
President of the “Armenian Young Lawyers Association” NGO, “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” Project Manager Mr. Karen Zadoyan make a welcoming speech. He attached importance to the fact of the establishment of Anti-Corruption Coalition and noted that it will be intended to the effectiveness of the fight against corruption in Armenia.
Mr. Zadoyan introduced the Declaration of the Anti-Corruption Coalition and the procedure. The CSO representatives proposed a number of amendments, which were accepted. The monitoring program of CSOs’ Anti-Corruption Coalition was introduced, discussed and approved as well.
The objectives of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of the civil society organizations are:
• To increase effective CSO oversight of the government’s anti-corruption reforms strategy
• To assist to strengthening and development of anti-corruption institutional mechanisms
• To promote the anti-corruption perception and awareness among the public and to support to the rights protection of the corruption victims,
• To strengthen the anti-corruption monitoring and public surveillance abilities of CSOs and their capacity to carry out anti-corruption activities.
In the first part of the event the participants referred to the Draft Anti-Corruption Strategy of the RA for 2014-2018 as well. The CSO representatives unanimously adopted a Message, with which they will apply to the RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan with request to include in the draft the social security sphere, criminalization of the illicit enrichment, as well as to expand the representation of CSOs up to 5 instead of the current 2 places in the composition of the Anti-Corruption Council, which will adopt the Strategy, and in addition to establish an Independent Anti-Corruption Commission.
The second part of the event has started and the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Suren Krmoyan holds a welcoming speech.
The project aims to increase the role of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in promoting anti-corruption reforms and their implementation. In the framework of the project the capacity of CSOs and the media to engage in monitoring and watchdog activities will be built. Anti-corruption training workshops will be organized throughout Armenia with the purpose of enabling CSOs and media organizations to better comprehend the issues related to anti-corruption and freedom of information. These activities aim at deepening the existing opportunities for carrying out anti-corruption activities. Small grants will be given for raising the effectiveness of public monitoring and implementation of appropriate monitoring, watchdog and investigative activities. A sustainable dialogue between CSOs and the Government will be developed with the participation of CSOs to strengthen the anti-corruption institutional mechanisms.
The “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the “Armenian Young Lawyers Association” NGO and the partner organization “Freedom of Information Center” NGO. Project duration is 3 years (from January 2014 to December 2016).