Anti-Corruption strategy, the way to get out of current situation

Romanian Prime Minister to stand Trial for a Corruption Crime

EuroNews reports that during last month the pressure on Ponta increased. In October 2015 he was forced to surrender his position as the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) because of being involved in tax fraud. The position was taken over by Liviu Dragnea. So, he became the first acting prime minister of the country to face trial for corruption.

650 Tons of Sulphuric Acid was purchased

On October 23, “Armenia Nuclear Power Plant” CJSC sign a contract with “Vanadzor-Kimprom “ CJSC for obtaining 650 tons of sulphuric acid.

Ministry of Justice spend 90.4 million AMD

RA Ministry of Justice signed a contract with “Expertise Centre of the Republic of Armenia” SNCO on conducting expertise based on the decisions of the bodies executing criminal prosecution or the court decision and providing expert opinion.