2015-08-03 04:10 The Gynecologist did not carry out her responsibilities: a Criminal Case was Initiated on the Death of the Parturient: IC
2015-08-03 11:28 The Woman Injured in the Maternity by Her Husband was Discharged from the Hospital alongside with her Baby
2015-08-02 07:00 Each Judge has about 1500 Cases in Proceeding and the Reason is the inefficient State Governing
2015-08-02 04:01 The Headmaster of the School Signed Documents with False Information: the Case is in the Court
2015-08-01 04:00 The Confidence in the Electoral System must be raised by the Constitutional Reforms, says the NA Deputy
2015-07-31 11:00 The Ministry of Justice Demonstrates a Discriminatory Approach towards NGOs: Marat Atovmyan
2015-07-30 05:18 The Accused does not Know Who will Play the Role of Defrauded Paylak Hayrapetyan: “The Offshore Case”