Last year, the Government allocated 755 million AMD for the improvement of the housing conditions of the employees of 6 state institutions. 28 apartments were bought and 16 of them from “Mikshin”, “Mikmetal” companies. By the way, all institutions except the police had provided the flats to their employees on the property right and almost without preconditions.
According to 2.10.2014 decision the Government from its reserve fund allocated 129 Mln 244 thousand AMD to National Security service, 348 Mln 862 thusand AMD to The Police, 52Mln 402 thousand AMD to The Prosecutor’s Office, 118 Mln 856 thousand AMD to The State Protection Service, 30 Mln 688 thousand AMD to The Special Investigation Service, and 74 Mln 753 thousand AMD to the Finance Ministry.
According to the second point of the Government’s above mentioned decision, with the exception of the police all the rest bought apartments in Yerevan. From 348 Mln 862 thusand AMD allocated to the Police the 270 Mln 412 thousand AMD was allocated for the apartment buying in provinces. All in all last year The Police bought 13 apartments, one in Yerevan and 12 in provinces.
The total price of the apartments bought in provinces from individuals was 7 Mln AMD, and in Yerevan the price of the apartment bought from “Mikshin” company was 22 Mln 468 thousand AMD.
This apartment, as well as the rest 6 bought by the SPS from the same “Mikshin”, is in 8/2 Adonts street. The other Official institutions bought the apartments from “Mikmetal” company, and all the apartments are situated in the neighboring Adonts 8 building.
Presented the wife with the apartment given by the Government
The SPS State Protection Service boughgt 3 apartments for the NSS chief’s assistant Grigori Hayrapetov, Martisros Kyupelyan and Aram Shagidanov. The price of the apartment bought for Grigori Hayrapetov in Adonts 8 155-156, with 209.41 square meters of total surface, was 55 Mln 807 thousand AMD (117.000 USD).

Grigori Hayrapetov, however after getting the apartment alienated it and by the end of the fiscal year the apartment did not belong to him. It turns out that chief assistant of the NSS Grigori Hayrapetov donated it to his wife Lusine Hayrapetova.:
In the contrary to the claims of the Prosecutor’s Office Emil Babayan had an apartment
The Prosecutor’s Office has bought 2 apartments in Adonts 2 from “Mikmetal” company for the general prosecutor’s assistant Emil Babayan and chief prosecutor Suren Khachatryan. AN apartment with 118.55 square meters of total surface was bought for Emil Babayan worth 31.5 Mln AMD(65.000 USD).
To’s question on what basis the employees to be presented with apartments were chosen , the Prosecutor Office’s director H. Navasardyan answered the following: “ The employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office of RA inhabited with rent and did not have apartments with the right of property”.
According to the declaration on property and income Emil Babayan had an apartment when being appointed on 17 October 2013. By the way, in 2014’s Declaration on property and income there is no remark on that apartment, that would let us suppose that is has not been alienated and now is still the property of the general prosecutor’s assistant.

H. Navasardyan also mentioned that apartments were given to the employees without any precondition: “According to the RA Government’s decision there are no established juridical guarantees, long-term working conditions or any other condition especially in Prosecution system. So such a condition could not have been stated by the RA Chief Prosecutor. The form of the prosecutors’ appointment or remission is established by RA law about Procesution, so the establishment of such guarantees with the above mentioned acts would be impossible and will have a declarative nature”.
It is interesting that in his response H. Navasardyan also mentioned that the employees presented with apartments “ have a long working experience”. But Emil Babayan has worked in official system since 2006 and passed to his current position in 2013.
To’s question what basis the employees to be presented with apartments were chosen, as a response NSS and NSS SPS pointed at Government’s decisions. Particularly, NSS SPS chief’s assistant H. Kupolyan answered the following:
“The circle of military servicemen having the need of the improvement of housing conditions is decided according to the demands and standards stated by RA 24.07.2008 decision 805 and 07.03.2007 decision 384, taking into account the military servicemen’s housing poor conditions, long-term service( 10 and more years) and other standards”.
Although the Government’s above mentioned decisions concern the Ministry of Defense, the Police, the NSS and the servicemen of Penitentiary system, we may state that the long-term service is considered 10 and more years, which is not proper to Emil Babayan.
On the other hand the point 6 of the governmental decision 805 on regulating the employees’ housing conditions states that employees may be presented with housing territories if those are state property, and here there is nothing about the point that the state may buy an apartment for the employee from a private company.
The strange response of the Finance Ministry
The Finance Ministry bought the apartments number 74, 79 and 68 in Adonts 8 street from “Mikmetal” company respectively for Kristina Mazmanyan(apartment with 102.17 square meters of total surface worth 27 Mln 228 thousand AMD), Armine Hovsepyan(apartment with 75.51 square meters of total surface worth 20 Mln 123 thousand AMD) and Tigran Tigranyan(apartment with 102.82 square meters of total surface worth 27 Mln 401 thousand AMD).
To’s question what basis the employees to be presented with apartments were chosen, an answer came from the Public Relations Division of the Finance Ministry: “ It must be taken into account that the apartments were given to the employees by the Finance Ministry on the basis of the juridical acts’ regulating theses of the given sphere.
But there is not a single explanation or even a letter about those juridical theses.
To give a somehow complicated response, they continued: taking into account that the apartments were given to the employees by the Finance Ministry on the basis of the juridical acts’ regulating theses of the given sphere, the plans for the mentioned guarantees is out of the regulation objects of RA Civil Code’s article 605. Besides in case of preconditions, the actions of the public body would contradict the requirements of RA Civil Code’s article 598.
The articles cited from the Civil Code refer to donations and contributions, and according to the ministry both of them does not have anything to do with the process of house purchase. Consequently it is incomprehensible why they remembered about those articles.
As a kind of explanation it must me mentioned that made a written inquiry to the Government administration about whether there have been any conditions for the employees presented with apartments or not. The head of the juridical department of the Finance Ministry Armen Gablielyan gave literally the same answer mentioned above only changing the phrase “Finance Ministry” with the phrase “corresponding bodies”.
After Armen Gabrielyan’s response the Public Relations Division of the Finance Ministry has sent a letter as the ministries response almost with the same answer given in the same way.
As a result, it is still not clear on what merits the employees to be presented with precious gifts were chosen.
There was no response
The special investigation service with the allocation of 30 Mln 688 thousand AMD( 64.000 USD) bought the apartment 126 in Adonts 8 with 115.15 square meters of total surface for Ashot Ohanyan, from “Mikmetal” company.
There has been no response to our written inquiry made on 19 February pointed to that company, although they responded to our calls telling that they had received out letter and would answer it.
To be continued
Astghik Karapetyań