Armenia is in a deep crisis of corruption, which is also referred as widespread corruption, and in order to take the country out of this crisis we need to have a an anti-corruption structure with an imperative mandate. Member of Gyumri Council of Elderly, President of Gyumri “Asparez” Journalists Club Levon Barseghyan said in the interview to
“In order to defeat corruption we do not need an advisory body, we need a structure which has imperative powers to intervene in case of corruption. This body should be composed of representatives of government only, but should be independent,” Levon Barseghyan said. According to him the structure should be set up according to the experts’ opinion and based on relevant standards.
As for the involving of the civil society institutions in the structure of such body Levon Barsegyan believes that they should not be in the composition of the main body and their voice should be advisory but not decisive.
“The body that has been established lacks the imperative mandate and it is intended that non-governmental organizations will be its members as well. This Council cannot overcome the corruption crisis. It may work for years in that format but we shall have no decrease of the corruption indices. Our index shall not change if it is not worsen,” Levon Barseghyan said. According to him, in this case, even if the best specialists are involved in the Council, it essentially will not change anything.
He cited the fact that if the Council will advise that the Minister of Finance Gagik Khachatryan shall not hold public office any longer, it is clear that the government will not accept that recommendation.
On the decision of the Government the newly formed Anti-Corruption Council is headed by the RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, the Minister of Finance Gagik Khachatryan and the Prosecutor General Gevorg Kostanyan and others are among the members. As for these p[persons, Levon Barseghyan said, “If they have discredited a reputation, and in a broad public perception are considered as corrupt officials, of course these people are unable to have a high impact on the reduction of corruption. It is senseless to go and make undue efforts in this Council.”