Mr. Michel Merlotti, Chairman of the Commission for International Cooperation of the International Union of Notaries, has arrived in Armenia on an official visit to get acquainted with the Notary system of the RA, as well as the forthcoming reforms and development programs.
Today after the meeting with Mr. Aram Orbelyan, Deputy Minister of Justice of the RA, Mr. Merlotti told the journalists that Armenia had joined the International Union of Notaries in 2005. Prior to this, and to be more precise during the soviet years, Armenia lacked notary system completely. Thus joining the so called Latin System in 2005 it started its history from a “clean list”. “Today, when the “child” is seven years old it is necessary to get acquainted with the activities of Notary Offices in place, as well as with legislative field that regulates the sphere, and the plans for the future as well,” Mr. Merlotti said and added that notable plans for the reforms in the system were foreseen during the past year, and it was time to get acquainted “with the level of health of the 7 years old child” and then consider what steps might be undertaken for its further development namely for the improvement of the legislative field and application of legislation.
The representative of the International Union of Notaries was pleased that the RA government intend to develop the system and especially through introduction of electronic notary system. He also added that they were open to cooperation and providing assistance in this issue..
In his reply to one of the journalists Michel Merlotti mentioned that it was not the time to speak about notable changes, yet the fact that the Notaries already understand that they could not develop staying inside Armenia, and that it was necessary to establish cooperation with other member states of International Union of Notaries was already encouraging. He also noted the importance to participate in different scientific conferences and meetings.
Mr. Merlotti’s reply to the question referring to the costs of notary acts in the RA and their comparison with the international standards was, “Armenia is unique, as it is rather difficult to find a country where the cost for the taxi service from the airport to the city is far more expensive than the cost of Some Notarial Acts.”
“The Cost for the Taxi Service from Airport to the City is far more expensive than the Costs for Some Notarial Acts”