Every person is entitled to decide the future of his/her property through a will.
A testator has the right to revoke, amend, or supplement a will made by him/her at any time after making the will and is not obligated in such case to indicate the reasons for the revocation, amendment, or supplementation.
A testator has the right by a new will:
1) to revoke a prior will entirely;
2) to amend a prior will by the revocation, amendment, or supplementation of individual testamentary dispositions contained in it or by supplementing the will with new dispositions.
A will made later and not containing direct indications of the revocation of a previous will nor of individual dispositions in it, revokes the earlier made will in the part in which it contradicts the earlier will. If the later will that revoked or amended the will is declared invalid, the will made earlier shall be considered valid. A will made earlier, revoked in full or in part by a later will is not reinstated if the later will is in its turn revoked in full or in the respective part by the testator. A statement of the revocation, amendment, or supplementation of a will must be made in the form provided by the law for the making of a will.
Source: Iravaban.net