How is the cause of death determined?

In criminal procedure, the following circumstances are to be determined only upon availability and preliminary examination of the following evidence:


1) Cause of death and nature of health damage – report of the expert in forensic medicine is to be presented;


2) Incapability of the accused to control and realize the nature and importance of his actions (inaction), their being dangerous at the time of the incident as a result of mental disease, temporary mental depression, other mental incompetence or mental alienation – report of the experts in forensic psychiatry and psychology is to be presented;


3) Incapability of the witness or injured to perceive and reconstruct the circumstances to be determined at the criminal proceeding as a result of mental disease, temporary mental depression, other mental incompetence or mental alienation – report of the experts in forensic psychiatry is to be presented;


4) Information on the injured, suspect, accused of reaching a certain age if it is relevant to the case, the document asserting the age is to be presented, if it is not available, a report of the experts in forensic medicine and psychology is to be presented;


5) Availability of the previous conviction(s) and sentence(s) of the suspect and the accused – corresponding document and if possible a copy of the court judgment must be submitted.
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