It is Abnormal that the Anti-Corruption Council summons a Session without being completely formed; NA MP

“If the actual mechanisms are not provided for the fight against corruption, it makes no sense to join the Government created Anti-Corruption Council,” Tevan Poghosyan, MP from heritage Party said in the interview with “We had introduced proposals, which were not accepted and naturally we are not going to participate in the Council.”

Tevena Poghosyan considers “completely abnormal” the fact of summoning a session while the council has not been completely formed. Notably, according to the Government decision one representative from each opposition party, as well as two representatives from the NGOs should have participated in it. However, 4 opposition parliamentary factions from the overall 5 and representatives of two non-governmental organizations (one from each NGO) are not represented in the Council. They have refused to participate in the Anti-Corruption Council.

The MP also mentioned that there is no confidence towards this entity, as it is an entity with formal structure. However he hoped that there will be consistent coverage of its activities and if serious work is conducted, it will be known. But until this point the structure is not taken seriously.