How much was the Income of Vayots Dzor Governor in 2013?

During 2013, Edgar Ghazaryan, Governor of Vayots Dzor marz of the RA provided loans of 13.000.000 AMD, 14.500 USD and 4.500 EUR. At the end of the tax year the amount of the loan remained unchanged learnt this from the declaration on his property and income for 2013, which he submitted to the Ethical Committees for High-Ranking Officials.

He declared as an annual income 4.073.934 AMD. The sum of 2.765.336 AMD was accumulated from remuneration for labor and/or other wages and the sum of 676.238 AMD, 75.660 AMD, 56,70 AMD  was accumulated from civil and other contracts, and the sum of 500.000 AMD from shares.