Mihran Paghosyan’s Offshore Case is discontinued

The former chief of CES Mihran Poghosyan has issued a statement.

The well-known publications on offshore case related to Major-General of Justice Mihran Poghosyan, and the criminal investigation initiated in the Special Investigation Service of the RA t based on those materials have been in the focus of impartial attention of the authorities and public at large over the last 8 months.

During the process of the criminal proceedings we rendered assistance to the Special Investigation Service, and were regularly providing Media representatives and the public with the information regarding publications that did not correspond to reality.

Among the documents which deny inquiries available in press, the well-known denial of the Swiss bank LGT, which refer to offshore companies. It states that no bank accounts were opened; therefore, there is no financial flow and accordingly no entrepreneurial activity.

We announce that Special Investigation Service of the RA has discontinued this case guided by Article 18, Article 35, Part 1(2), Article 55, Articles 124-127 and 261-263 18th article 18 (2), of Part 1 of the 35th article, 55th article, 124th-127th articles and 261st-263rd articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of the RA.


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