The purpose of punishment is to restore social justice, to correct the offender, as well as to prevent crime. The European Union believes that the death penalty cannot be applied because it is evil. “Death does not reaffirm justice.”
In our days the death penalty is applied as well, only the forms of this cruel punishment and its implementation methods are changed. In the beginning of the 20th century, a new form of execution in the form of an electric chair was invented, and lately poisons injection. The latter is considered as the most “humane” way for implementation of the death penalty.
Nowadays, the following categories of the death penalty are applied: shooting, gallows, stoning, poisons injection, electric chair, and decapitation. Historical forms of execution are: gas camera, guillotine, quartering, drowning, crucifixion, burning alive, burying alive, strangulation (Spanish garrotte), hanging from ribs, impaling, etc.
Since 2000 the following types of execution were implemented:
Decapitation (Saudi Arabia).
Electric chair (USA).
Gallows (Egypt, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Pakistan, Singapore and other countries).
Decapitation (Saudi Arabia).
Injection (China, Guatemala, Thailand, USA).
Shooting (Belarus, China, Somalia, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and other countries).
Stoning (Afghanistan, Iran).
Convict suffers incredibly from any form of execution.
The cruelty of the death penalty does not limit itself to only convict agonizing death. A special type of suffering is the horror, which attracted most of them as the time of execution of the death penalty approaches. And even the most humane methods cannot relieve the fear of death.
The history of law knows that the cruelty of punishment leads to impunity. The reason is that in severely punitive laws people see more fury than strength.