“Solving of the overload of the prisons is not the primary goal of introduction of the Probation service in Armenia. It is aimed to solve the problem of improvement of the efficiency of punishment, because in the light of the modern approaches the policy of the classic punishment definitely ceases to be effective,” Zhamanak Daily rights.
According to the Deputy Minister of justice of the RA Aram Orbelyan, the Ministry of Justice has already elaborated two major legislative packages which refer to the probation service.
Notably the new Criminal procedure Code of the RA provides introduction of probation service, which enables to apply alternative punishments against the person, committed an offense.
According to the International and European Commission experts, establishment of this service is a necessity, which provides opportunity to involve the offender in the society rather than to isolate him from the society through imprisonment.
Complete article in today’s issue of “Zhamanak” Daily.