The Criminal Investigation regarding Vladimir Gasparyan, who is accused of legalizing the Property with a cost of around 2 Billion AMD obtained through Criminal Means, has been completed: ACC

The preliminary investigation by the RA Anti-Corruption Committee regarding V.Gasparyan, who was accused of committing many corruption abuses and held various positions in the state service between 2000-2018, has been completed. The materials of the proceedings were handed over to the supervising prosecutor with an indictment, with a motion to send it to the court.

The Anti-Corruption Committee reported.

During the preliminary investigation, sufficient evidence was obtained that V. Gasparyan, as well as A. Hakobyan, who actually performed the duties of the latter’s security chief in 2011-2018, during their years of office, as a result of abusing their official powers, patronage and other corrupt criminal activities, acquired property significantly exceeding their and their family members’ legal incomes, including expensive houses and vehicles. In order to hide their criminal origin, they legalized them in various ways, in particular, through formal transactions of registration in the name of persons related to them.

In particular, the preliminary investigation established that during the years 2000-2018, Gasparyan’s wife, having been appointed to positions in the RA Defense Ministry Military Police and the RA Police, did not show up for duty and did not perform her duties for years.In addition, having been appointed to a position in the RA Police, she improperly performed her official duties due to dishonorable reasons. V. Gasparyan, being aware of all this, abused his official powers, deliberately did not take appropriate measures prescribed by law, under such conditions, his wife was unjustifiably paid particularly large sums, totaling to more than 36 million AMD.

The criminal proceedings also revealed that Gasparyan, occupying various positions in the public service during the years 2000-2018, in addition to abusing his official powers, also committed official forgery, particularly large-scale waste, as well as was engaged in other criminal activities of a corrupt nature.As a result, the former Chief of Police criminally acquired property significantly exceeding his legal income and and that of his family members, from which he spent a total of AMD 700 million for the renovation of his private houses in Gegharkunik Marz and Yerevan, as well as the area of ​​the industrial building.

The preliminary investigation revealed that V. Gasparyan legalized (laundered) criminally obtained property totaling to about 2 billion AMD.

In addition, Gasparyan, who holds the position Chief of RA Police, being a high-ranking official with the duty to submit a declaration, in 2013 instructed Hakobyan, who actually performs the duties of his security chief, to purchase cars from “Avangard Motors” LLC in order to avoid possible liability in case of declaring valuable property in his name and registered the cars in Hakibyan’s name having the aim to hide the criminal origin of the funds to be paid for the purchase of the cars, which is more than 150 million AMD.

V.Gasparyan was charged under Article 190, Part 3, Clauses 1 and 3; Article 308, Part 2, Article 256, Part 3, Clause 3; Article 44-256, Part 3, Clause 3; and Article 445, Part 1 of the RA Criminal Code for committing the above mentioned criminal acts.

Note: A person that is suspected or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent until his/her guilt is proved by a court judgment that has come into legal effect pursuant to the procedure determined by RA Criminal Procedure Code.

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