Procedure of raising and lowering the Republic of Armenia Flag

The procedure of raising, lowering and passing the Republic of Armenia Flag is based on the internationally recognized principles. It includes the traditional rules of treatment with the state flags as well as the established restrictions.
The Republic of Armenia Flag should be raised and lowered with dignity and ceremony. The flag should not touch the ground or any other object except the hands.
The Republic of Armenia Flag should be raised the first and should be lowered the last.
The Republic of Armenia Flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset. If flown at night, it must be illuminated.
During the ceremony of raising and lowering the Republic of Armenia Flag, everyone shall be standing and facing the Flag.
The Republic of Armenia Flag shall be passed from hand to hand solemnly, under the anthem of the Republic of Armenia. While passing the Flag it should be held under the angle of about seventy-five degrees.

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