The opposition will apply to the Constitutional Court to challenge the constitutionality of the election of the President of the National Assembly

Today, on 3 August, the National Assembly continues the work of the first session. Before proceeding to the issues on the agenda, Artsvik Miansyan, a member of the “Armenia” faction, asked for a speech, noting that they consider the election of the President of the National Assembly illegal and will apply to the Constitutional Court to declare the election process unconstitutional.

“Based on the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, we will apply to the Constitutional Court to confirm the fact of illegal depriving the deputies of their freedom in the presence of their immunity, as well as to create a number of legal bases,” he said.

Hayk Mamijanyan, a member of the “I have Honor” faction, mentioned that they will challenge the constitutionality of the election of the President of the National Assembly in the Constitutional Court.

The deputy of “Armenia” faction Aram Vardevanyan mentioned that the election of the NA President implied procedural violations, which is subject to the examination of the Constitutional Court. “Yesterday it turned out that the voting process had a technical, but on the other hand a significant violation. In fact, we can say that when the ballots were in circulation, when the voting started, it was incomprehensibly interrupted, the ballot was changed, the voting started again, the procedure of which could not be itself. The mentioned voting should have just ended, on the basis of invalid logic, the process should have started again, which did not happen. A process will be carried out on that,” Vardevanyan said.

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