The names of the Chief Allergist, Neurologist, Dentist, Infectious Disease Specialist, Laboratory Doctor, Vascular Surgeon, and Pulmonologist of Yerevan are known.

Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan signed a decision on 18 March, according to which several professionals were awarded the title of Chief Specialist of Yerevan.

The decision specifically states:

“Governed by Article 3 of the Law on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan, Article 8, Part 1 of the Law on Local Self-Government, Article 37 of the Law on Normative Legal Acts, based on the achievements in the field of healthcare, professional skills and long-term work experience.

  1. Aimed at regulating the implementation of measures directed to the implementation of modern measures for the protection of the health of the population of the city of Yerevan, the introduction of the latest methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disabilities

1) Award Christina Raphael Jamalyan the title of Chief Allergist of Yerevan;

2) Award Lydia Grigor Gimoyan the title of Chief Neurologist of Yerevan

3) To award Isabella Frunze Vardanyan the title of Chief Dentist of Yerevan;

4) Award Arshak Garnik Ghazaryan the title of Chief Infectious Diseases Specialist of Yerevan;

5) Award Vahagn Aram Gevorgyan the title of Chief Laboratory Doctor- of Yerevan;

6) Award Tigran Ashot Kamalyan the title of Chief Vascular Surgeon of Yerevan;

7) Award Ashot Koryun Yeghoyan the title of Chief Pulmonologist of Yerevan.

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