The Terms and Procedures for informing the about the Gathering

As it was mentioned before the organizers of Public Gathering shall inform the authorized body (Local Self Government Body) except for the organization of urgent and spontaneous gatherings with less than 100 participants.


When the information shall be introduced and what information shall it include?


The information may be submitted not less the 7 days and no more than 30 days prior to the organization of the gathering.


Information is introduced personally or via post.


Information shall indicate:


1) Location of the gathering,


2) Approximate start and end time of the gathering,


3) Purpose,


4) Anticipated number of the participants,


5) Subjects or technical devices used during the gathering (posters, torches, megaphones etc.),


6) Anticipated number of administrators,


7) In case of marches, the rout and the schedule of  the rally,


8) Personal passport or other identification document information of the organizers (attaching the copies of such documents), phone numbers, the postal or e-mail addresses. In case when the organizer and the leader of the gathering are different individuals also the passport or other identification document information of the leader (attaching the copies of such documents), the postal address and in case of availability the phone number and the e-mail.


In case of organization of the gathering by a juridical person the decision of the Board or Management Body of the organization shall be provided along with the information.


In case when the organizer is under 14 years of age, he shall introduce the written consent of his legal representatives.


The organizer is obliged to inform the authorized body about any changes in the above mentioned information 24 hours prior to the beginning of the gathering: Such changes shall not change the accepted essence of the informed gathering.




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