A resident of the village of Tsater, who called the Tumanyan police department on 2 May, informed that the dog had attacked the woman’s mother, and that the mother-in-law had died from injuries.
During the preparation of the materials, the police found out that on the same day the son-in-law and the mother-in-law had argued. The son-in-law beat the woman, then released the dog from the yard, took it into the house and set it on the woman. The dog tore the 78-year-old Gyulasar Makhsudyan.
A criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of intentionally causing death due to intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm.
A 37-year-old resident of Tsater village has been arrested.
An investigation is underway.
Note: A person that is suspected or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent until his/her guilt is proved by a court judgment that has come into legal effect pursuant to the procedure determined by RA Criminal Procedure Code.