Changes to Action Plans to Prevent Possible Spread of New Coronavirus in Georgia and Respond to New Cases Immediately

The Georgian government’s March 2 decision amended action plans to prevent the possible spread of a new coronavirus in Georgia and to respond quickly to new coronavirus cases.

Spokeswoman for Economy Minister Anna Ohanyan informed to

The changes also include escorting freight forwarders (along with their staff) from high-risk countries with coronavirus infection from one border crossing point through Georgia to another border crossing point.

Drivers of vehicles found in areas recognized by the World Health Organization as a risk zone are replaced by another natural person who does not belong to the risk group.

Under the control of a customs officer authorized complete disinfection of the vehicle, and the driver of the truck (foreign citizen) driving the vehicle at the border crossing is sent back or quarantined/transported to a medical facility.

Appropriate work is currently being done on technical solutions to ensure the implementation of the above decision.

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