“It will be really good, if the judge is changed, though I cannot imagine, that any judge may be impartial in this case”, the advocate of the case on the armed group “Sasna Tsrer” said in an interview to Iravaban.net today.
She said that today she again was not allowed to enter the courtroom, because she refused to be searched, which they call an examination:
“If I have to open my bag, because they are forbidding me to enter the courtroom that is a search. That is imposed on people. Ara Zohrabyan would better open the codes, the constitution, and review his disposition, which states, that all of this is an examination.”
Speaking on postponing of the court sessions on the case of the armed group Lusine Sahakyan stated that it may be connected with the fact of substituting the Presiding Judge Artush Gabrielyan: “Tough I cannot imagine a judge, who may be impartial in this case.”