Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:15:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I am wounded and alone in the Field: Arman Ohanjanyan was talking to his Mother when the Enemy struck the Final Blow Sun, 14 Jul 2024 17:10:08 +0000 Read more »]]> Arman, who was only 23 years old, left his 7-month-old son and decided that he should go to fight so that his son would not have to fight. Arman Ohanjanyan continued his studies at the Ivanyan Military Academy. He dreamed of becoming a military doctor. He studied, graduated, but was not drafted into the army due to health problems.

“He endured many difficulties, suffered, but he told about it only to me, and shared is only with me. Even if he was in a very difficult situation, if someone asked him for something, he would have gone to help,” his mother, Elizaveta Ohanjanyan told within the framework of ” Immortal Victims of the Artsakh War” series of

At the gas station, Arman met a man from Artsakh who was on his way to Artsakh. Arman left the car at the filling station and went with an unknown man. The mother asked him to come, hug his son and then leave, but Arman hurried.

Arman reached Jraka on 1 October. He wrote a letter to his mother informing that he had arrived and that everything was fine and that he loved her very much. Then the mother receives another letter. “Mom, if something happens to me, do not be afraid, and please walk with your head held high. The positions are destroyed, they are approaching, please, just remember: I love you very much, I’m sorry for what I did, if I stay alive, I will call you.”

Arman was wounded on that day. Then the parents somehow manage to contact their son. He was in the hospital. Arman came home on 17 October and told that only 6-8 people from the 400-person squad survived. He stayed for a few days and despite the urging of his mother and wife pleas, he returned to the battlefield again. “I am going so that the time does not come and my child leaves.”

Arman Ohanjanyan he died the death of the brave in the battles for the sake of the motherland, for the sake of Artsakh, on 20 October.

“This was the worst day of my life. He called his father and said that he was injured and was alone in the field. I immediately called, he picked up, said that he was near a cross, spoke very slowly, said that his neck, shoulder, sides and leg were injured. I was near the church, Arman called again and at that moment there was a sound of a very loud explosion, I turned off the phone out of fear. At dawn, I got a call again, and was told that Arman was no longer alive,” the mother says.

Arman Ohanjanyan was posthumously awarded the “Medal of Courage” of the Republic of Artsakh.

Details in the video.

Hasmik Sargsyan

New Code: Reforms are expected in Bankruptcy Sector Sat, 13 Jul 2024 18:05:02 +0000 Read more »]]> For legislative reforms in the bankruptcy sector, it is imperative to have such a document that will allow assessing the current situation and presenting possible ways of solving problems.

The concept of the draft of the new Bankruptcy Code was developed in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank and with the involvement of international and local experts. Director of the Legislation Development Center of the Ministry of Justice, Tigran Dadunts, participated in the discussion as well. He noted that the work on the development of the Bankruptcy Code has just begun, and before that the concept of the Draft Bankruptcy Code was developed.

Details in the video.

The photo was made using AI.

Nine Parts of the Body must be smeared with Myrrh: what the Sacrament of Baptism is, who is the Godfather, when should a Human Being be baptized? Sat, 13 Jul 2024 17:15:00 +0000 Read more »]]> Within the framework of “The Church and the Law” series of interviews, talked about baptism with Father Mushe Vahanyan, the Spiritual Shepherd of Aparan Pastorate of Aragatsotn Diocese.

– What is the mystery of baptism?

– Baptism has a secret of salvation. Baptism is the foundation of Christianity, because if you are not baptized, you are not a Christian. Baptism is also a covenant, an alliance, a contract with God. By choosing God’s fatherhood, you are adopted into God’s family, becoming a member of that family. Baptism is the seal and confirmation in the book of life in heaven, your name is written there. You become a citizen of heaven.

– Do all Christians have to be baptized?

– Until a person is baptized, he is not a Christian. They become Christians by baptism. We are Armenians by nationality, but we are not called Christians because we are not baptized. The basis of Christianity is established by baptism.

– What is the advice of the red and white threads?

– The main condition of baptism is the narot, which is two colors: red and white, it symbolizes the real identity of the person being baptized at that moment. Red – son of man from blood, white – son of God from righteousness. That is why baptism is called rebirth. Spiritual birth conditions baptism.

– What is myrrh and what is its advice?

– Myrrh consists of about 40 types of plants and the main one is the balsam plant. It is prepared through prayer. Myrrh requires special preparation, because for us it is not oil made from some plants, but it is recommended during the myrrh blessing because it should symbolize the Holy Spirit God. That’s why we keep myrrh in dove-shaped vials, why, because when Jesus came out from being baptized in Jordan, he says, the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. By sealing it with the Holy myrrh, we confirm the truth of the council that God the Holy Spirit came and dwelt in that person.

– Who is the godfather, who can be a godfather and what is the role of the godfather in the life of the person being baptized?

– In general, the godfather should be a spiritual person, a God-loving and God-knowing person. Why, because the godfather is the ambassador from the church in the given family, who must monitor the spiritual life, morals, and behavior of the baptized person. It is necessary to educate and guide in a spiritual way. All baptized, believing persons can be godfathers. There cannot be very close blood relatives and friends. For baptism, an excess of up to two generations is allowed, but the Church always calls for this limit to be extended as much as possible.

– In other directions of Christianity, there is the concept of godmother. Who is the godmother in the Armenian Apostolic Church and what is her role?

– If the godfather is married, the wife assumes the role of godmother. We put all the responsibilities on the man, so that all of this is required of him, and if he becomes the godfather of the family, all the responsibility is summed up on his family.

– I have often heard people who say that it is necessary to be baptized at a conscious age, by one’s own decision, but the spiritual fathers say that it is necessary to be baptized before the 40 days are over. Is the first approach wrong, and if so, why?

– First, all classical churches accept infant baptism, because baptism has the sacrament of salvation, and everyone needs salvation. The sin from Adam and Eve is genetically passed on to us and baptism is the redemption of Adamic sin. And we accept infant baptism. It is the Protestant church that says that you must be an adult and God must demand the sacrament of baptism from you.

– If a person was baptized at an unconscious age and when he grows up chooses another religion or rejects the existence of God, does his baptism become void?

– When one is baptized as a child, the responsibilities are placed on the parents and guardian. When he grows up and breaks the alliance with God and departs from God, if he accepts some baptismal vows in other churches, then he returns to the church, is examined and is restored with remorse and repentance. And the anointing that is performed during baptism, it is never revoked.

– What is the procedure for baptism, what preparations must be made?

– The most important condition for baptism is the narot, after the narot there can be a cross, the necklace is not a condition at all, the towel is. In fact, the church has defined and confirmed that anyone can be baptized and when they say that there is no money, it is related to a lot of money, it is just people justifying their laziness or inattention. In fact, anyone can be baptized at any time, because there is no day, no hour, and no inconvenient conditions for baptism.

– And is the metal of the cross essential?

– No.

– Why are 3 days chosen for washing after baptism, what is the significance of that?

– Simply a condition for a person to meditate more on the spiritual and since baptism has the sacrament of death, being immersed in water and dying, and then coming out, they are already born for heaven. The advice is related to the three days of Jesus’ death.

Details in the video.

Hasmik Sargsyan

The Gravedigger refused to dig the Grave Hole. Azerbaijanis were standing in a Few Meters: People’s Artist of Artsakh about Deportation Fri, 12 Jul 2024 17:05:07 +0000 Read more »]]> People’s artist Kajik Harutyunyan was displaced from the city of Stepanakert. He told in the framework of “Artsakh: Armenian Genocide 2023. Stories of Survivors” documentary project that he had worked in the State Theater of Stepanakert for about 60 years and dedicated his performances to the public.

“I have visited almost all the military units of Armenia and Artsakh, not only me, many others along with me, but I have considered it my duty to visit and present poems on patriotic themes to our soldiers,” he says.

He says that he never imagined that Artsakh would be completely de-Armenized, because Armenians have always lived in Artsakh for thousands of years.

Recalling the days of the blockade, he said that they went through great difficulties during the 9 months. “Only I and Karabakh people know what hardships the Karabakh people endured during the 9 months, and, no one else can feel it on their skin.

Only the Karabakh parent felt that his child was hungry, sitting at home, there was no bread to eat, not speaing that the shops were completely empty. There was so little flour that bran was mixed with flour to increase the volume a little, and this bran bread would stick in the throat while eating.

During the days of the September aggression, he went to the garden he cultivated, on the way he saw the neighbors of the garden, they said, “Where are you going? Do you know that the Turks have already arrived, they have reached here?”

“I went, and reached our vegetable garden, I changed my clothes to enter the garden, I heard that bombs were exploding, I did not know what to do anymore, I went into a small house, I huddled, and thought to escape at least, but the bombs were exploding every second.

I waited there for 4 hours, Suddenly I saw my son came, he said, “What are you doing, do you understand what is happening? Let’s go”.

We reached the city on foot and saw that there were no people all around.

His wife’s sister had a missing child, and she fell ill because of those expectations and thoughts, the doctors could not save her, and as a result she died. Her body was supposed to be taken to the cemetery, but since Azerbaijani soldiers were already standing on four sides of the cemetery, the gravedigger refused to dig a grave hole, and in the end, the body was moved to Goris.

Kajik Harutyunyan told us about the way they passed, how they reached Armenia, and also about the difficulties and problems they face after the displacement.

Details in the video.

The Baku Court issued a Verdict in the Fabricated Case Fri, 12 Jul 2024 09:30:51 +0000 Read more »]]> The Baku Court sentenced Rashid Beglaryan to 15 years in prison. He will spend the first 5 years in prison, and the next 10 in a strict regime colony.

On 1 August, 2023, as a result of getting lost in the terrain, the man appeared in the territory under the control of Azerbaijan and was arrested.

The Azerbaijani side accused Beglaryan of participating in the so-called “Khojalu pogroms”.

ZCMC provided support of about 170 million drams to the people of Artsakh in the Kapan, Kajara and Meghri communities Fri, 12 Jul 2024 09:17:30 +0000 Read more »]]> “ZCMC” CJSC continues to support our forcibly displaced compatriots. Taking into account their needs, this time the Company provided extraordinary assistance to Artsakh citizens resettled in Kajaran enlarged community.

Until now, the company has provided a total of about 170 million AMD support to Artsakh citizens resettled in Kapan, Kajara and Meghri communities.

Details in the video.

The Prosecutor demanded that the National Hero Andranik Piloyan and the 12 Defendants in the Case be found guilty Fri, 12 Jul 2024 08:17:38 +0000 Read more »]]> Today, on 12 July, the court hearing in the case of the National Nero of Armenia, former Minister of Emergency Situations Andranik Piloyan and 12 other defendants continued in the Anti-Corruption Criminal Court. Judge Tigran Davtyan presided over the session.

It should be noted that in addition to Andranik Piloyan, Ashot Hakobyan, Vigen Mkrtchyan, Hrachya Yeremyan, Mihrdat Matevosyan, Artur Ohanyan, Ara Yaghjyan, Gor Hambardzumyan, Artak Beibutyan, Tatul Gevorgyan, Tigran Gasparyan, Gagik Poghosyan and Vigen Grigoryan were also charged.

According to, the  Public Prosecutor Koryun Serobyan made the concluding speech at today’s court session.

In his speech, the Public Prosecutor emphasized the fact that during the preliminary investigation, the rules of investigation of the criminal legislation were taken into account when initiating criminal prosecution against the accused.

The factual grounds and actions of the accusation were not presented again, taking into account that there was no need to publish them and the participants of the trial were already aware of them.

“It is not a secret for anyone that for both to our state and its citizens, any manifestation of corruption is a real threat to the development of the economy of the state, the normal functioning of every state apparatus, the establishment of the rule of law, the maintenance of the principle of equality of all before the law, and ultimately, for the establishment of justice, for its restoration,” he said.

In his speech, the Prosecutor also emphasized the importance of providing video recording in this case, which was not implemented initially due to the objection of the accused.

“If you notice, at the request of the defendants, no video or audio recording of this trial was aired, which, however, I believe would be appropriate so that the public at large would be informed about the trial, which would also be of great importance to those officials who thought they could allow acts of corruption and not been punished.

I was also pursuing this very goal and that is why I did not object to the publication of the process of this trial by means of a video recording by mass media representatives. However, for the sake of justice, I must mention that there are court hearings when they were covered by the same media representatives, and I myself noticed that after the court hearing, the events that took place during the main court hearings were spread on the Internet,” he said.

The Public Prosecutor emphasized that the actions attributed to the accusers are divided into 2 groups, one group refers to giving, receiving, mediation of bribes, assisting in receiving bribes and abusing official powers, and the other group refers to receiving, giving and complicity in illegal remuneration using real influence.

Speaking about the crimes included in the first group, the Public Prosecutor presented his analysis about the episode of the heating system purchased by the accused Andranik Piloyan in the form of a mortgage loan. The operation was performed by Hrachya Yeremyan, the latter stated that the total price of the boiler and equipment will be up to 750-800 thousand AMD.

Andranik Piloyan’s testimony in court here.

” Hrachya Yeremyan partially insisted In the court, on the pre-trial testimony and stated that during the pre-trial investigation he was in an emotional state, he said that he allegedly gave Andranik Piloyan all the money, but he did not say that Andranik Piloyan gave him the 400,000 AMD through his driver, Vahan. He claimed that he sold the low-quality parts for 270 thousand AMD, added 30 thousand AMD and gave 300 thousand AMD to Ashot Hakobyan. The pictures of the pot and other details were sent to Andranik Piloyan.

While testifying in court, the accused Ashot Hakobyan said that he reached an agreement with Hrachya Yeremyan, as a result of which the latter bought high-quality parts for 490 thousand AMD, and Yeremyan returned that money to him in parts.

“There are significant contradictions in the testimonies of the accused. Andranik Piloyan mentions about returning 200 thousand AMD  of parts to the store, Hrachya Yeremyan claims that he personally sold the parts for 300 thousand AMD  and gave them to Ashot Hakobyan in parts, and Hakobyan states that Hrachya Yeremyan gave him 490 thousand AMD, with which bought quality parts,” the Public Prosecutor said.

He also presented the phone conversations between the defendants regarding the mentioned episodes, which created the opposite picture.

According to Koryun Serobyan, no matter how much the defense side provided different reasons that Piloyan did not receive a bribe, and Hrachya Yeremyan bought the heating boiler and parts with Andranik Piloyan’s money, still, according to him, these arguments were not valid, because there was evidence to the contrary. a number of factual data in the criminal case, and no matter how much they would try to present the conversations in a clear light, the new evidence was “more credible”.

Referring to one of the precedent decisions of the Court of Cassation, the Prosecutor also referred to the episodes related to giving bribes by “SOS Systems” company, receiving bribes by Andranik Piloyan and helping to receive bribes by Ashot Hakobyan.

One of the reasons for presenting it was this statement: “I remember very well that during the court session held on 5 May, 2023, Ara Yaghjian’s defense attorney stated that there was no factual data in the case that Ara Yaghjian said: “I gave the money, now you take your actions.

I think that these factual data are available, that is, there is a specific demand for the actions in which Ara Yaghjian expected the officials to perform actions in his favor, to eliminate the obstacles expected for the building being built by various officials. There is also the fact that Ara Yagjyan was dependent on the Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

Presenting relevant analyzes on other aspects of the accusation, the Prosecutor noted that Vigen Grigoryan and Andranik Piloyan had certain relationships, Vigen Grigoryan also insisted on this during the interrogation, he had meetings with Piloyan, issues of hiring different people were discussed in the office, there were cases when Grigoryan’s behavior caused the anger of the Minister of MES, Vigen Grigoryan expressed his willingness to perform certain works for Piloyan.

He also requested that the statement of the accused Artak Beibutyun that the actions he was accused of were mischaracterized, it should be stated that it was obvious from the conversations that took place with Vigen Grigoryan that Grigoryan asked the latter to find various people who would like to be employed in the MES for money. He published a part of the telephone conversation between the two accused.

Vigen Grigoryan’s defense attorney stated in his speech that Vigen Grigoryan was not an official; he had no influence on Andranik Piloyan. Vigen Grigoryan also stated that he did not hire anyone in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense for the alleged remuneration.

Drawing parallels between the accusations attributed to Vigen Grigoryan and Artak Beybytyun, Beybytyun’s defense attorney stated that he did not agree with the statement that his client should be charged with the same article as Vigen Grigoryan. He asked that his client be declared innocent.

In this case, the other defense attorneys will make final speeches at the next court session. The date of the previously appointed session was changed due to the health problems of the accused Hrachya Yeremyan. It should also be noted that his defense attorney requested the return of 2 million AMD from the bail for Yeremyan’s treatment.

There were no objections, the court approved the petition.

The next court hearing is on 9 August.

Mariam Shahnazaryan

The Judge, who is  Defendant in the Case, wants to take the Exam to become a Lawyer Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:10:19 +0000 Read more »]]> On 10 July, the trial in the case of Judge Arusyak Aleksanyan, her assistant Tamara Petrosyan and Lawyer Erik Aleksanyan was continued in the Anti-Corruption Criminal Court. Judge Vahe Dolmazyan chaired the session.

On 17 October, 2022, the Supreme Judicial Council approved the petitions of the General Prosecutor’s Office regarding the initiation of criminal prosecution against Judge Arusyak Aleksanyan and provided consent to deprivation of liberty. Within the framework of the same case, the lawyer Erik Aleksanyan was also charged under Article 46-441 of the Criminal Code, that is, he assisted an official in abusing office or official powers or the influence caused by them or exceeding the powers. In the framework of this case, Arusyak Aleksanyan’s assistant Tamara Petrosyan was also charged.

According to the accusation, the judge is accused of making an obviously unjust Court  act and abusing official powers. She satisfied the petition of Erik Aleksanyan, the defense attorney of Sergey Grigoryan, who is known as “Faz”, by changing the measure of restrain and releasing him from custody for a bail of 2.5 million drams. According to the prosecution, Sergey Grigoryan is a friend of Arusyak Aleksanyan’s brother, Rustam Aleksanyan.

The defendants do not accept the charges against them.

According to, Arusyak Aleksanyan’s defense attorney said that they had made an inquiry regarding the procedure of the entrance exams at the Academy of Advocates, in response to which they received a reply that there had never been a case of remote participation in the entrance exam of the Academy of Advocates.

The judge asked if such a practice had not happened before, whether it was expected that this could happen in the future. The lawyer replied that they tried to find out through an enquiry whether it was possible to participate remotely, and whether there had been such experience in the past or not.

According to the defender, the information he received proves that Aleksanyan’s presence during the oral examination is mandatory, after which she will be allowed to participate in the courses remotely.

Judge Vahe Dolmazyan demanded the lawyer to present the request that had been sent to the Academy of Advocates.

“As it was in the case of my health issue, this issue is also important from the point of view of ensuring my right to continue education, please grant the presented motion. It is only for 1 day, it will last a few hours. The exam is scheduled on 14 August. On the assumption of the fact that I am special applicant, I shall participate only in the oral exam, there is no need to participate in the written exam,” Arusyak Aleksanyan said.

Referring to this issue, defender Andranik Manukyan mentioned the following. “From 1 January, 2023 until today, the Republic of Armenia did not adopt any procedure regarding the escorting out the accused under house arrest, the criteria for escorting, refusing or allowing the escort, now to the extent that there is no such procedure, in my opinion, in the case when escorting out from the house arrest pursues legitimate  objective, then such escort should be allowed.”

He joined the petition of the other defender, asking to satisfy it, to allow the accused to exercise her constitutional right.

The Public Prosecutor reaffirmed his position, saying that the additional documents submitted by the defense do not constitute content that proves that Arusyak Aleksanyan does not have the ability to participate in the examination remotely; the petition has not undergone any qualitative changes and is not subject to satisfaction.

After listening to the positions of the parties on this issue, the court recorded that the circumstances of essential importance for the solution of the issue raised in the previous court session were not obtained, so the discussion of the issue was postponed, considering also the answers given by the defense attorney Vardanyan to the questions related to the participation in the oral entrance exam.

Accused Arusyak Aleksanyan and Erik Aleksanyan, as in the previous session, insisted during this session as well that they refuse to testify, after which the Public Prosecutor requested to publish their pre-trial statements.

The court granted the petition.

Before the publication of the pre-examination testimony, Arusyak Aleksanyan clarified when the issue of the oral exam will be discussed, if the session is scheduled for August 13, and the exam for the 14th, and there is a problem with the period of preparation for the exam.

Judge Vahe Dolmazyan said: “There is a saying, ‘knowledge is power, not a goal’, therefore, prepare for it, you will be stronger with it, and on the 14th of the month, remotely or not remotely, depending on the answer, you will participate, the court will not deprive you of that opportunity.”

Then the Public Prosecutor began publishing the pre-trial testimony. Defense attorneys Yerem Sargsyan and Andranik Manukyan were present during the testimony of the accused Arusyak Aleksanyan in the Investigative Committee.

The defendant testified: “In order to express a position regarding the accusation, I must first be able to clearly imagine what was the wording of the act attributed to me under the second part of article 441, clauses 4 and 5, and the first part of article 482 of the Criminal Code separately, because it is not clear from the content the accusation, and I should be able to express a position on each accusation based on it, so please clarify which of the accusations described in the decision to initiate criminal prosecution was the description of the criminal act attributed to me.”

Accused Erik Aleksanyan testified in the pre-investigation body and stated that the charge presented to him is not clear, as it is completely illegal, using his right, he refused to testify and answer any questions.

“I insist that I do not accept the accusation, it is not legitimate, it even has internal defects from a legal point of view, especially the wording in it in terms of assistance directly contradicts and does not come into compliance with the legal position expressed by the Court of Cassation regarding assistance in terms of its concept and characteristics. Please do not ask me any more questions, I do not want to answer, considering the fact that the accusation is completely illegal.”

The investigator asked him a question, wondering if he accepted that, as the defense attorney of the accused Sergey Grigoryan, he was involved in the case at the insistence of judge Arusyak Aleksanyan and her consent, during the days of the latter’s duty, he submitted petitions to the court regarding the release of the accused Sergey Grigoryan from detention or not. Erik Aleksanyan has again insisted that the accusation brought against him is illegal both in legal terms, as well as in factual aspects.

The Public Prosecutor published the pre-trial statements of the accused Arusyak Aleksanyan and Erik Aleksanyan.

The evidence and documents to be presented by Arusyak Aleksanyan’s defense attorney Yerem Sargsyan, will be examined at the next court session.

It will take place on 13 August.

Details in the videos.

Mariam Shahnazaryan

The service and dedication of these brave men to their country will live on in the hearts of all who knew them: The US Ambassador to Armenia expressed her condolences to the relatives of those died in the accident Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:35:13 +0000 Read more »]]> “I am deeply saddened to hear about the tragic death and injuries sustained by the servicemen in today’s car accident in Syunik; My heart goes out to families affected by yje devastating loss. The service and dedication of these brave men to their country will live on in the hearts of all who knew them. Plerase accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time.” Christina Quinn, the US Ambassador to Armenia said.

In my Opinion, they are not Bona Fide Purchasers of Cars: the Investigation of the Case of Taron Margaryan and his Sisters Continues Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:46:19 +0000 Read more »]]> On 10 July, the Anti-Corruption Civil Court held a hearing, in the case on the confiscation of assets and funds of allegedly illicit origin of the former Mayor of Yerevan, currently a member of the National Assembly Taron Margaryan and his family members. Judge Karapet Badalyan presided over the court hearing.

According to, at this session, the parties addressed the questions regarding the claim and the calculations presented in it.

According to the representative of the responding party, as a result of changing the basis and subject of the claim in the calculations of the settlement, the settlement was changed as well, both the original claim and the new amendment were studied in full, but initially no settlement was submitted.

The representative asked the Prosecutor Ruzanna Khudaverdyan, what was the reason that the calculation itself was missing in the claim?

The Prosecutor said that the calculation should mean the annual analyzes in the claim, which were made on the basis of the data attached to the claim.

The lawyer mentioned that she had seen the existing tables, but with the lawsuits for confiscation of money, if interest is included in the calculation of the mentioned amount, the Code of Civil Procedure strictly provides that it should be clearly stated how that amount was generated and how the calculation was made.

The Prosecutor noted that it cannot be more detailed than the calculation made.

“In the presented lawsuit, you asked to confiscate 100 million 417 thousand 533 drams, but you did not present any calculation of how this amount was finally generated. For example, you asked for the final confiscation of 755 million 154 thousand 928 drams as the remainder of the illicit income, but you did not present any calculation in that regard either,” the lawyer said.

Answering the lawyer’s question, the Prosecutor said: “The sums included in the subject of the lawsuit appear at the end of the analysis of each year, for example, 755 million is already visible in the table in the last calculation of 2022, that is, it is the accumulated result of the years, nothing new has happened for me to submit an additional calculation.”

The lawyer also tried to clarify how the studies of the calculations were done, the Prosecutor said that there were internal procedural rules, any property belonging to a person was studied, as a result of which it was determined which properties were illicit and which were justified by legal income.

The lawyer asked, if the given income was not subject to taxation, how was the study done, Khudaverdyan said that they were mostly done by sending written requests to state bodies or the person could present and inform about certain data.

Regarding the sisters of Taron Margaryan, the Prosecutor stated that no calculation was made regarding them as such; the 2 cars mentioned were required from them, because they were considered as properties belonging to Taron Margaryan.

The lawyer asked if they could be considered as bona fide acquirers of the property, the Prosecutor reply was “in her opinion no”, but if they were bona fide acquirers, only the market values ​​of the properties would be subject to confiscation from Margaryan, no other claim regarding Taron Margaryan’s sisters was included.

It was also noted that in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, the minimum consumer basket was calculated because there were no bank data and only the data received from the Statistical Committee was calculated.

According to the Prosecutor, the new period under study refers to properties subject to confiscation, but the study, that is, the analysis of legal income or property acquisitions, was carried out for the entire period (since 1991).

The lawyer said: “Do I understand correctly, by your decision, you went beyond that period and conducted a study outside of that decision?”

The Prosecutor answered: “I do not believe that we have exceeded the deadline, because, I repeat again, the period under study refers to the properties subject to confiscation, and the study is carried out for the entire period.

Moreover, even regarding this civil case there are judicial acts issued by the Court of Appeal itself.”

The representative of the defendant emphasized that it was about a fairly long period of time, and it would be very difficult to prove the property acquired in the years and how it was acquired. It is also important to emphasize that the circulation, trade relations, and the RA Legislation of those years were completely different.

After the break, questions about Taron Margaryan’s sister Ani Margaryan were asked. The lawyer first clarified why Ani Margaryan was not involved in the investigation proceedings, the Prosecutor said that at that stage the position was such that the cars were not confiscated, that was the reason that they were not involved.

When asked whether Ani Margaryan was a bona fide purchaser of the property or not, the Prosecutor said that, as in the previous case, she stated that they were not a bona fide purchaser, because they could reasonably have known that the car was purchased with Taron Margaryan’s funds, and they could also know that Taron Margaryan did not have funds during that period, and it was obtained by illicit means.

– Don’t you think or rule out the fact that the car could have been purchased not with Taron Margaryan’s funds, but with the help, mediation or assistance of another person?

– I definitely do not rule out that circumstance, but since I do not have any information about it, I cannot say anything about it at the moment.

– And have you tried to get data?

– We are trying to get the data from the state bodies, as well as by carrying out operative-investigative measures; there is no other additional data on those specific parts.

Lawyer Benik Galstyan also asked questions to the plaintiff, clarifying the methods used to assess the availability of legal funds at the time of incurring expenses.

Prosecutor Ruzanna Khudaverdyan mentioned that in order to answer the questions, a whole year’s bank statement should be taken, these questions were not asked in advance, and if possible, the questions should be sent in writing so that the answers to them could be given at the next session.

The lawyer said that all the questions were financial, but, for example, there were questions that did not contain digital problems, a financial specialist could answer them, however, other questions would be sent electronically.

At the next court session, questions and answers regarding calculations, financial data, etc. will continue.

The next court hearing in this case will be held on 16 July.

Details in videos.

Mariam Shahnazaryan
