Iravaban TV
Legal Day
How to use WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messengers Safely?
17-Year-Old Tiran needs 1 Year to graduate from the University in China: Executive rejects Postponement
Obstacles to doing Business in the Free Economic Zone
Businesses are deprived of Tax and Customs Privileges due to defective FEZ Legislation
The Issue of Stray Animals has been resolved in other Countries Alongside Garbage Recycling Programs: Nare Aramyan
The Debtor will be called to Criminal Liable for not presenting or falsifying the Declaration on Property
The Soldier reported against the Commander: He was acquitted of Charges against him
What should a Citizen do when attacked by a Dog?
The Ministry of Justice will be able to institute Disciplinary Proceedings against Bankruptcy Managers
Persons, who have alienated even 1 Car after 29 June, 2019, shall pay Income Tax
What is expected for Citizens under and over 27 Years who have evaded Military Service?
What will be the Fate of the Constitutional Court after the Loss of Seven Judges at the Same Time?
Entrepreneurs are obliged to clean their Surrounding Area from Snow and Ice on Daily Basis, otherwise they will be fined