Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

I wouldn’t want to meet the Last Mayors: Gayane Melkom Melkomyan

Directors of Schools and Organizations who do not abide Requirements of the Law are punished strictly: Deputy Mayor

Order of Payment of the Employee for Work on Non-Working Days and Double Payment

The New CC has 4 Important Powers that the Previous CC did not have: Gagik Jhangiryan

Those who consider a National Tradition not to allow a Woman to work are not from this Nation: Nikol Pashinyan

We have a Beneficiary in Armenia who repays a Loan in the Amount of AMD 1 Million per Month: Nikol Pashinyan

Eating Abilities are limited; all Guests should not be forced to eat Pork: Nikol Pashinyan

A Number of Changes are planned in the Area of Drug Market Control։ there will be an App for Citizens

If a Person is in such a need of Bread that he takes Money for Swears in Statuses, I feel sorry for him: Tehmina Vardanyan

Warm Greetings of Nikol Pashinyan accompanied by Family Members: the New Year Tree Lights are on

What happens when a Worker is drafted into the Army?

If I didn’t get out of the Car, everything would have ended there: Jhangiryan about his Arrest in 2008

Temporarily depriving of Driver’s License, maybe deprives the Person of the Financial Source: Attorney about the Grading System