Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

A Person with many Criminal Cases on the Shoulders was appointed School Director: Anahit Bakhshyan

967 People have been dismissed from the State Revenue Committee: David Ananyan

We oversee Businesses owned by Samvel Aleksanyan and his Family: David Ananyan

Press Conference of SRC Chairman Davit Ananyan: LIVE

In which Cases should the Employee receive a Bonus?

We do not fall into the New Year Rush: Levon Zakaryan

Changes in the Taxation of Tourism Organizations will be introduced in 2020

This Year I had a Precedent Decision regarding the Limitation Period; Tamara Baghdasaryan

There is no Second Naira Zohrabyan, Definitely: Mikayel Manrikyan

Prime Minister is the Politician of the Year: Izabella Abgaryan

In the Days of Vano Siradeghyan, the Chaos in Yerevan was rather settled: Lusine Gevorgyan

Will there come a Day when Justice will be established? David Asatryan’s question to Themis

How to recognize a Lie through the Eyes, Smile, and Soothing Movements