“Centre of Condominiums of the Lori Marz” Non-Governmental Organization
“Centre of Condominiums of the Lori Marz” Non-Governmental Organization
“Law for the Rule of Law” Non-Governmental Organisation
“Centre for Social Technologies” NGO
“Decent Generation” Non Governmental Organization
“Greens of Ararat Marz” Non-Governmental Organization
“Reform and Development” Human Rights Non-Governmental Organization
“Corruption Prevention and Strengthening of Integrity in Educational System of Armenia” Project implemented by “Elegia” Cultural Non Governmental Organization implemented (Yerevan)
“Monitoring of Medical/Sociological Expertise Committee’s (MSEC) Functions” Project implemented by “Flora” Young Women’s Christian Association Non-Governmental Organization of Gyumri in cooperation with its partner “ Community Initiatives and Advocacy Center” Non-Governmental Organization (Shirak Marz)
“Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Center NGO implemented “Identification of Corruption Risks in Custom Clearance of Imported Cars to Armenia” Project” project (Lori Marz). • Project (is available in Armenian language) • Report • On the sociological survey conducted in the scope of the project for elaboration of reform recommendations
“Implementation of monitoring of distribution of free medicine, medical accessories and devices received through humanitarian aid from the state, and acquisition of the medicine purchased by funds provided by the state and distribution among the patients in 2 polyclinics of Yerevan city”
“Miasin” (“Together”) NGO for Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities, in partnership with the “Angel” Youth Benevolent NGO, implemented the project “Together against Corruption” (Ararat marz)
“Kapan Women´s Resource Center” NGO implemented “Corruption Risks in the Sphere of Obstetric Care” project (Syunik marz)
“Selen” Club of Journalists NGO implemented “Elimination of Corruption in the Health Sector and promoting the Necessary Steps for it” project in cooperation with “Loru MIG” TV/Radio Company (Lori marz)
“Peace Dialogue” NGO implemented “Civilian Control as a Tool to Reduce Corruption Risks” project (Lori marz)