In the period between August 17 and 22 the Azerbaijani side continued violating Cease-Fire regime on the Armenian-Azerbaijani front-line and on the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan.
According to the operative data provided by the NKR Defense Army, in the period of August 17 and 22 the cease-fire regime has been violated by the opponent for 240 times on the contact line of Karabakh and Azerbaijani forces. They fired over 1900 shots from various caliber weapons.
According to the Press Service of the RA Defense Ministry, the cease-fire regime in the period between August 17 and 22 has been violated for around 48 times, and over 300 shots have been fired by the opponent from various caliber weapons.
The Armenian armed forces and the NKR Defense Army continue to control the situation on the border and the contact line strictly observing the ceasefire and undertaking actions only in cases of targeted violations by the enemy.