The Director of the National Bureau of Expertises was elected

On 30 May, the elections of the Director of the National Bureau of Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences took place.

Candidates Argam Hovsepyan and Gevorg Margaryan presented their plans for the development of the bureau. Presenting his vision, Argam Hovsepyan mentioned that, emphasizing the latest developments and trends of the legal system and the scientific field, they should continuously develop their abilities in accordance with the requirements of the time.

In his speech, Hovsepyan emphasized that in the framework of cooperation with international partners; more than a dozen contracts were signed with European countries and expert organizations, as well as implementing the provisions provided in those documents.

Candidate, Gevorg Margaryan in his speech, emphasized the importance of being a member of the European network of forensic institutes, which gives a great opportunity to be informed by these structures, learn about new achievements, and introduce them here.

The director of the bureau was elected by the Council of the Colligate Governing Body of the “National Bureau of Expertises” SNOC, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and the National Academy of Sciences.

According to the voting results, two of the five members of the Council voted for Gevorg Margaryan. The Acting Director Argam Hovsepyan received three votes, and was elected Director of the “National Bureau of Expertises”.

Details in the video.

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