Why are People unaware about the Program of Constitutional Reforms?

The Law Student’s Division (LSD) of the “Armenian Young Lawyers Association” NGO is to build the capacities of law students for the professional analytical thinking and to freely express their ideas, opinions and specific standpoints. The goal of LSD is to contribute to the development of professional and related skills of law students.

Today, for the commemoration of the Day of the RA Constitution, LSD staying devoted to its traditions organized an event directed to raise the awareness of the society on the Program of Constitutional Reforms. The members of LSD organized a survey on random choice bases among 100 citizens in downtown Yerevan.

 The results of the survey are presented below.




Law Student’s Division

The Program of Constitutional Reforms

                                                                                                          Yes      NO

Do you know what day is today?                                                                               44        56

Are you aware about the content of the Constitution                                      39        61

Do you know about the Program of Constitutional Reforms                         31        69

Do you know about the Institute of Jury Men?                                                   37        63

If it was used, would like to be a jury man?                                                           34        66

Don’t you mind if it becomes your civic duty?                                                    22        78


Besides the abovementioned the passengers also answered to the question, what would hinder them to make an honest and impartial decision if they were jury men. The answers were more than expected: most of the people mentioned that the possible hindrance can be the pressure, corruption or relative relations but the most commendable is that a vast array of people is sure that nothing may be a hindrance for them to make an honest decision.

We also regret to inform that most of them tried to hide their unawareness and lack of knowledge with indifference. Funny answers also were expressed.

During the survey participants of different professions and gender from 14-72 years of age participated. Generally we evaluate the results apprehensive since the level of unawareness is very high about the Constitutional Reforms’ Program and it is essential to take steps to make the society aware about the program which LSD contributed to by starting to organize awareness raising events of Constitutional Reforms’ Program.

The Law Student’s Division (LSD) of

the “Armenian Young Lawyers Association” NGO

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