On the Incomes of Ex-Judge Vazgen Rshtuni and his Wife

Ex-Judge Vazgen Rshtuni, currently prosecutor of Kotayk Marz and his wife Mane Rshtuni have rather modest income in 2013 according to the declaration submitted to the Ethical Committees for High-Ranking Officials.
Specifically, at the beginning of 2013, Vazgen Rshtuni had 20.000.000AMD and 39.000USD on his account which at the end of the year was 22.000.000AMD and 41.000USD.
During the year he had an income of 5.920.041 AMD, which was accumulated from remuneration for labor and/or other wages.
In 2013, Vazgen Rshtuni’s wife Mane Rshtuni had 3.000.000 AMD and 10.000 USD. By the end of the year she had generated income of only 500.000AMD.

Photo: court.am
